20 de marzo de 2010

El diluvio que viene

Ana Dolores García

Hace unos veinte años, una obra teatral recorrió los escenarios del mundo hispano con extraordinario éxito: «El diluvio que viene». El título parece apropiado -tal vez con algún ligero cambio-, para el futuro inmediato de quienes dependemos de Medicare para el cuidado de nuestra salud, porque lo que viene no es precisamente agua, sino una debacle, de acuerdo con el pronóstico de Dck Morris, comentarista de Newsmax:

«As an American citizen I do not want this bill to pass but when I look at the November elections, it would be suicide for the Democrats to pass this bill.

In October of this year, a month before the election, cuts to Medicare go into effect. Physicians' fees get cut by 21 percent under Medicare, hospital reimbursements by over a billion dollars.

And what's going to happen is that doctors and hospitals all over the country will follow what the Mayo Clinic has already done, and say, 'We are not going to treat Medicare patients.'

And the result, -he says-, is that Medicare patients will find it almost impossible to find an ob-gyn, a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist to see, because none of them is going to take Medicare. They're not going to see a patient for $50, after they have $300,000 in [education] debt.»

It seems that with his Obamacare, Obama cares too little.

But do not worry, dear congressmen, about being re-elected, you can pospone the implementation of the law until pass de election day so you can keep your seats.


2 comentarios:

  1. Excelent article, Medicare is a looser in this bill, but we knew that months ago.
    Another question to consider: Why aren’t the Senators and Congressmen going to be forced to use it just like everyone else?.
    If the proposed new health care system is not good enough for Nancy Pelosi and all the rest of the politicians, then why should the rest of the american people should be forced to use it?

  2. ¿Y acaso senadores y congresistas no fueron capaces de auto concederse sustanciales aumentos de sueldo, mientras a los pobres viejos jubilados no se les ha aumentado este año un mísero centavo aduciendo falsamente que no ha habido incremento en el costo de la vida?

    Ahora dicen que recibiremos un regalo de Obama de $250. Puro paternalismo socialista. A eso vamos poco a poco, digo, no tan poco a poco.

    Muy triste cuando lo vimos venir desde hace tiempo, Maggie.
